The Order Of The Bear was formed by a few awesome neighbours sharing a love of board & card gaming.  What started out as a small group of neighbours playing games once a month in my basement has quickly grown.  As tales of this exclusive club spread, more and more neighbours joined and the frequency of the games increased … needless to say, my game room was running out of space.   I toyed with the idea of opening my own game shop in town, and converting my garage into a game club, but felt it would put too much strain on my family.   So I bounced an idea off Ryan of Goodfellow’s Bakery … what if there was a community space we could use?                      

Ryan and I presented the idea of a community game club to the Guelph/Eramosa Township Council and Staff.  They thought it was a fantastic idea and generously provided The Order Of The Bear with an 800 sq ft freshly renovated home at Rockmosa which we call – The Bear’s Den 🙂  

– Frank Marsh